August 2024 Newsletter
Golf within the OE community is extremely buoyant, as you will see throughout this newsletter. With matches against other schools, competing against the common room and more sociable events there is something for everyone – it really does not depend on your ability! Meeting old friends, enjoying beautiful courses or improving your game, this sport really brings everyone together.
Despite the very mixed weather we have had over the last few months, it feels like the warmth is finally here, we can don the shorts and leave the rain gear at home!
Our 2024 OEGS programme of events is well underway and I thought it would be helpful to give you a brief update on what has happened so far and also to encourage you to sign up online for one or two of our events, where we are still looking for a few more players.
This month’s profile piece is on OEGS committee member, Harry Rimmer, who is also one of our Halford Hewitt players.
Finally, if you are a member of the OEGS and need to update any of your membership details, including adding a photo of yourself, log onto and select My Profile under the Members heading. Click on the cog wheel, top right on your entry and select Edit Profile, then click Update Profile.
Best wishes
David Burt
OEGS Hon. Secretary
A Fabulous Day at Piltdown Summer Open Event
It was a beautiful sunny day at Piltdown where Peter Ross whose late son Anthony was in Wargrave House from 1993 to 1998 played host to the first ever Eastbournian Society (ES) and OEGS (Old Eastbournian Golf Society) joint social golf day.
Development Director Emma Garrett was thrilled that every part of the ES community was represented; OAs (former pupils of Ascham and St Andrew’s), OEs (Old Eastbournians), parents of former pupils, current parents, as well as current and former members of staff.
After a delicious plate of sandwiches and chips at midday, Chris Walker the Chair of the OEGS welcomed everyone before teams of 4 made their way out to the well-manicured course, which was first played in 1905.
The course, no bunkers but lots of heather, was challenging but the condition was exceptional. Don Wales (Blackwater 1974-77) had not played the course for many years but was thrilled to return and pay his respects – the ashes of both his parents are scattered on the third tee, near where he grew up. Peter Ross has the enviable position of living just beside the 18th hole and was delighted to join Nigel Welby (Reeves 1965-69), also familiar with the course, David Stewart (member of staff 1984 to 2021) and Mark May (parent of current and former pupils) in a formidable foursome.
After the golf, the group gathered in the early evening sun sharing stories over tea and cake – Matt Grover (Wargrave 1990-95) was delighted to meet up with Carolyn Oldham whose sons Nick (Blackwater 1988-93) and William (Wargrave 1994-99) he knew from school days. Richard Crawley, parent of current pupils reminded former member of staff Nigel Wheeler (member of staff 1976 to 2006) that he had taught his wife Sarah nee Clark (School 1999-2004) in the heady days when drama/cricket/debating tours to Australia were the norm!
Today, the ES is all about occasions such as this where stories are shared, memories rekindled, new friendships made, and old ones rejuvenated.
Well done to Elaine Robinson mother of Matt (Craig 2005-10) and Jonny (Craig 2008-13) who scored an amazing 41 points…22 going out and 19 coming in.
The team award went to Claire Patterson-Snell (sister of an OA), Iryna Photiou (mother of two former pupils, Alex Photiou (Powell 2016-21) and Andreas Photiou (Powell 2020 – 24), Elaine Robinson (mother of former pupisl Matt Robinson (Craig 2005-10) and Jonny Robinson (Craig 2008-13) and Patricia Seath, wife of Simon Seath (Powell 1966-69) with a combined best two scores of 100. A tremendous team effort.
Nearest the pin, on the tricky seventh with pin at the front went to Carolyn Oldham and longest drive to Matt Grover.
Foundation Golf Day 2024 at The Royal Eastbourne
On a beautiful sunny day at the Royal Eastbourne Golf Club 72 eager golfers assembled for coffee and bacon rolls at the beginning of what proved to be an excellent day of golf to generate funds for the Peter Bibby Award.
Awarded in honour of inspirational Eastbourne cricketing legend, Peter Bibby, and established by his daughter Mirren Mace, this award ensures Peter’s legacy lives on through supporting talented young cricketers at the college. Mirren’s sons are both now pupils at the college and helped out on the day and it gave the family particular pleasure to welcome back three of the former Bibby Award winners, who after dinner spoke movingly of the impact that receiving the award had had on their lives.
As the teams gathered, excitement mounted, with the prospects of Beat the Pro and Nearest the Pin on the short downhill 16th, Longest Drive on the 12th and the highly contested honour of winning the prize of Best Dressed team, the atmosphere was electric as the claxon sounded the start of the tournament.
18 teams tee’d off to a shotgun start, the format of the day being best two stableford scores per hole. The course was in good condition with many of the greens proving somewhat tricky and extremely fast in places. The subtle slopes and borrows made the putting difficult and many 3 or 4 putts were recorded.
The winning team was the Mighty Four ‘above’ with a mighty score of 94. Congratulations to: Andy Bordass, Andy Edwards, Rob Hill and David Whatley. In an excruciatingly closely fought second place was AFC with 93 points – commiserations to regular contenders David Beer, Neil Cameron, Paul Lee and Adam Smith. And not far behind, (and I think we all knew) came You Know When You’ve Been Mangoed with 90 points – Geoff Campbell, Chris McGowan, Zack Smith and Jack Sutton.
The longest Drive was won by Jack Hughes, Nearest the Pin was Iryna Photiou, and the Best Dressed team was The Invincibles ‘below’ comprised of OEs Tim Mote, Jack Hughes, Harry Rimmer and Peter Walker.
The day, evening dinner, games and a quick auction ensured over £16,000 in total were raised for the Peter Bibby fund with Nick Hoadley being the winner of 60 bottles of wine in the raffle.
Development Director Emma Garrett spoke of the Blue Sky Bursaries Appeal and the newly commissioned Café Sospeso film was played urging all those in the room to give just the cost of a coffee a week to support the bursaries programme at Eastbourne College – you can view it here.
The date for next year has been set for Friday 4 July. if you would like to join in and are interested in securing a particular tee to start at for next year’s event, feel free to submit a bid to We will notify you closer to the event if your bid is successful, also giving you the opportunity to increase it if you are outbid. We’d also love to hear from you if you are keen to sponsor a hole, donate an auction prize or enter a team.
With enormous appreciation as ever to Martin Lulham of M-Tech for his continued sponsorship and support as well as all our other sponsors and prize givers, and lastly to the Eastbourne Royal for their help with the organisation of what really was an extraordinarily memorable day.
OEGS v’s Common Room
The OEGS were back at Royal Eastbourne GC on 2nd June just 10 days after their game with the College to take on the school’s Common Room. This ended in another honourable draw, in glorious weather and with excellent company, this time by 2 wins, 2 losses and one half apiece.
Iryna Photiou and a welcomed newcomer, Michael O’Callaghan, a parent of two OEs, led us off and secured the first win while Tony Dunn and Peter Henley (but mostly Tony) safely secured the second win. Rob Lee and Alex Photiou halved their match amidst talk of a moral victory, rebutted by an enigmatically smiling Ian Sands, the leader of the Common Room pack. Meantime Andrew Langlands and Patricia Seath and Claire Patterson-Snell and Jay Lorton, both succumbed valiantly to members of the Common Room who had clearly been using their recently concluded half terms to practise.
The consolation for all of us however was an outstanding hole-in-one by Jay on the fiendishly difficult par 3 13th which he celebrated by buying drinks for all the players as we mingled happily at the day’s end, as seen in the attached photo. Another enjoyable match at the Royal against the convivial Common Room.

Jay Lorton (Powell House 1978 – 1983) celebrating his hole in one.
Players Wanted – are you available?
Match against Lancing at West Surrey on Thursday 19th September
Please contact David Burt on
The Quadrangular at West Surrey on Thursday 10th October.
Please contact David Burt on
Autumn Open Meeting at the Cooden Beach Golf Club : Sunday 29th September
The Autumn Open Meeting at Cooden Beach Golf Club could also do with a few more players. Andrew Langlands is he is looking for a few more participants. Please contact Andrew on
Profiling Harry Rimmer
Harry was at the college between 1999 and 2004 in Craig House.
What was your first golf experience?
My dad had me swinging a golf club in the back garden from the age of about 5, hitting plastic balls. I used to love watching Seve, Tiger and Sergio – real flare players. Once I tried to hit a shot like them in the garden using a real ball and thinned it straight through the living room window.
What were your reflections on golf at the college?
It wasn’t really offered as a sport, which is a shame.
Which club did you first join and where are you a member now?
I was lucky enough to grow up across the road from the Royal Eastbourne and was a member there for 26 years. Sadly, since moving to London 8 years ago, I am no longer a member anyway…although proactively looking for somewhere to join!
Favourite club and why?
I love them all (apart from the putter) but there’s no better feeling than flushing a driver.
Best ever shot?
No idea, I’ve never had a hole in 1 but I have hit the pin off the drive on a par 4, so probably that.
If I had my time again…
I would have focused on my putting. It’s where I lose the most shots by far. It’s something which should be so easy but for some reason I find so hard. I would love to be better.
Most enjoyable round of golf?
Sandy Lane, Barbados with my brother, dad and Geoff Campbell. Geoff birdied the last to shoot 2 under. What a day?
If you had one final round you could play, which course would it be on?
Has to be Augusta…but in the world of mere mortals it’s probably between Sunningdale Old, Royal Dornoch or Royal Cinque Ports (on Halford Hewitt Sunday). Abroad, not somewhere I’ve played, but id love to play Old Head in the wind or Finca Cortesin. Didn’t really answer the question but there are just too many to pick just one!

Harry Rimmer (left) winner of the 2023 Richard Day Knockout competition, alongside runner-up, David Barwell
Eastbournian Society
The ES encourages all members of the OEGS to register onto their website to stay up to date with news and events. The Annual Dinner is the next big event coming up on Friday 6 September at the Grand Hotel which you are all invited. Tickets can be purchased here.