Brian Meaby

OEGS PresidentUncategorized

It is my painful duty to report the death recently of Brian Meaby, one of the stalwarts of the OEGS alongside his brother Robert and, in more recent years, his son Charles.

Brian represented Eastbourne in the Halford Hewitt between 1956 and 2010, so therefore playing in 7 different decades.  In his 51 appearances he played 67 games but perhaps most notably he had a Hewitt record total of 30 different partners.  Brian presented the Hewitt trophies in 2012.

Together with Robert (also an Eastbourne Hewitt player with 40 appearances) he ran Meaby & Co., a firm of solicitors in South London.  Brian was sometime Chairman of Walton Heath Golf Club, President of the Old Eastbournian Golf Society and also represented Eastbourne in the Cyril Gray Tournament for many years.

Our thoughts are with Brian’s wife Anita and the rest of the family in this very sad time.