Halford Hewitt Centenary Dinner and 2024 Draw

OEGS PresidentUncategorized

The Halford Hewitt Centenary Dinner and draw for the 2024 tournament took place in the Great Room of the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on 10th January.  7 members of the OEGS were present making up a small but significant part of the 700 or so total attendance.

The draw sees us take on Haileybury in the first round at 9.30am on Thursday, 11th April at Royal Cinque Ports GC.

Many thanks to those who attended the dinner and all the best to our team in April under the captaincy of Adrian Sharpin.  We have a practice day at Royal St George’s on Sunday, 10th March.  Anyone wanting to be considered for selection contact either Adrian misterpea@hotmail.co.uk or Chris Walker president@oegolf.uk

The Great Room prior to the dinner

The five younger members of the OEGS contingent at the dinner