OEGS launches new interactive website

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OEGS has had a basic website for some years kindly managed by our new President, Chris Walker, which will be phased out. The OEGS Officers decided a year ago to look to create a modern website that would take care of some of the regular administrative work, provide a Members Directory accessible by all members, allow fixture applications to be made online and then enable Match Managers to manage their team selections online too. It is also possible for the general public to see a limited amount of information. The website will be the new ‘face’ of OEGS.

The website will act as a repository for documents like the OEGS Constitution, AGM Agendas / Minutes, Committee papers, and historical data from fixtures which might enable us to extract some statistical analysis.

Like this announcement, members will be able to easily see the Recent News, and also Reports of all events.

OEGS is extremely grateful to OE and OEGS member Mike Hudson who has selflessly developed this for us over nine months on top of his day job, and to Jo Grey  (OEGS Treasurer and former Captain) for the website specifications and direction. Jo will continue as the Website Manager.

The OEGS Officers view this project as a long-term investment in the future of the Society and hope that our Members will enjoy it.

OEGS 1st January 2019