OEGS vs The Common Room – 2nd June 2024

OEGS PresidentUncategorized

The OEGS were back at Royal Eastbourne GC on 2nd June just 10 days after their game with the College to take on the school’s Common Room.  This ended in another honourable draw, in glorious weather and with excellent company, this time by 2 wins, 2 losses and one half apiece. Iryna Photiou and a welcomed newcomer, Michael O’Callaghan, a parent of two OEs, led us off and secured the first win while Tony Dunn and Peter Henley (but mostly Tony) safely secured the second win. Rob Lee and Alex Photiou halved their match amidst talk of a moral victory, rebutted by an enigmatically smiling Ian Sands, the leader of the Common Room pack. Meantime Andrew Langlands and Patricia Seath and Claire Patterson-Snell and Jay Lorton, both succumbed valiantly to members of the Common Room who had clearly been using their recently concluded half terms to practise.  The consolation for all of us however was an outstanding hole-in-one by Jay on the fiendishly difficult par 3 13th which he celebrated by buying drinks for all the players as we mingled happily at the day’s end, as seen in the attached photo. Another enjoyable match at the Royal against the convivial Common Room.